Terms of Use
You are prohibited from posting or transmitting to or from this web site any libelous, obscene, defamatory, pornographic or other materials that would violate any laws. However, if such communications do occur, GoldenPalms will have no liability related to the content of any such communications.
Linking to GoldenPalms's Site
GoldenPalms permits anyone to link to GoldenPalms' web site subject to the linker's compliance with the following terms and conditions: A site that links to GoldenPalms' web site:
- May link to, but not replicate, content contained in GoldenPalms' site.
- Must not create a border environment or browser around content contained in GoldenPalms' site.
- Must not present misleading or false information about GoldenPalms' services or products.
- Must not misrepresent GoldenPalms' relationship with the linker.
- Must not imply that GoldenPalms is endorsing or sponsoring the linker or the linker's services or products.
- Must not use GoldenPalms' logos or trade dress without prior written permission from GoldenPalms.
- Must not contain content that could be construed as obscene, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, or inappropriate for all ages.
- Must not contain materials that would violate any laws.
- Must agree that the link may be removed at any time upon GoldenPalms' request pursuant GoldenPalms' reserved rights to rescind its consent to allow the link.
Compliance with Law
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You agree that all matters relating to your access to, or use of, this web site shall be governed by the laws of the Pakistan. You agree and hereby submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of the Courts of Pakistan, with respect to such matters.
GoldenPalms makes no representation that information on this web site are appropriate or available for use in all countries, and prohibits accessing materials from territories where contents are illegal. Those who access this site do so, on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws.